House Bill 1381


House Bill 1381 Bill Information

Description: HB 1381 would make numerous reforms to the juvenile justice system in PA, including ending the practice of directly filing certain charges in adult court; placing reasonable time limits on juvenile probation; requiring age and developmentally appropriate Miranda rights; ending solitary confinement for children; eliminating most court fines and fees for kids, expanding diversion, and increasing the age of juvenile court jurisdiction.


PA Justice Alliance Member Positions & Feedback

  • HB 1381 is an omnibus bill that would make numerous, desperately needed improvements to Pennsylvania's juvenile justice system, including:

    • Eliminating direct file, the practice of automatically charging children as if they were adults;

    • Requiring diversion for many lower level charges;

    • Limiting school referral to juvenile court;

    • Raising the minimum age of juvenile court jurisdiction from 10 to 13, or 12 in the most serious cases;

    • Prohibiting pre-trial detention for youth under 14 and some other youth;

    • Eliminating juvenile fines and fees, and limiting restitution;

    • Capping the length of juvenile probation;

    • Requiring juvenile-specific Miranda rights;

    • Eliminating solitary in juvenile facilities with some exceptions; and

    • Raising the age of transfer from juvenile to adult court from 14 to 16.

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  • House Bill 1381 takes a vital step toward making Pennsylvania’s juvenile legal system a safer and fairer place for youth. We write to express our enthusiastic support for the legislation. Many of the reforms in House Bill 1381 were suggested by the bipartisan Juvenile Justice Task Force convened in 2020, and more importantly, these reforms have been championed by youth and advocates for years.

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  • This legislation will update and improve the Juvenile Act pursuant to evidence-based practices and findings. Raising the age of juvenile court jurisdiction, ending direct file to adult court, and prohibiting the use of solitary confinement are all measures that will protect the children of Pennsylvania. The juvenile court system in Pennsylvania reflects large racial disparities. Far too often, children are entering the juvenile system on low-level infractions, and policies are geared towards punishment and detention. Juvenile courts need to shift their focus to rehabilitation, family reunification, and the distribution of resources for children and their families. This bill is a strong step in the right direction.

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Senate Bill 170